Thursday, December 26, 2013

Jesus as "Palestinian" - the ramifications of Historical Revisionism

  • More Christmas Lies from Palestinians Commentary 12/23.13:
    However one approaches the narrative about Christianity’s origins, there is no doubt that the historical Jesus was a Jew, not an Arab. The only point of transforming him into a Palestinian Arab is to hijack the history of biblical-era Judaism in order to burnish the myth that current-day Jews have no place in the land of Israel.

  • Why Do Christians Tolerate Palestinian Historical Revisionism?, Evelyn Gordon. Commentary 12/26/2013:
    ... the most striking aspect of this story is that objections to such historical revision come almost exclusively from Jews, whereas many Christian churches and organizations seem to have no problem with it. After all, it’s not only Jewish history and the Jewish religion Palestinians thereby erase; they are also erasing Christian history and the Christian religion.